About: Service and Recognition




US Government

Agency for International Development, Grantee

Department of State

Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Analytical Exchange, “Negotiated Solutions for the Crisis in Syria,” preparation for Geneva II, Co-Chair

Democratic Principles Group, “Future of Iraq Project,” President George W. Bush Administration, Member

Foreign Service Institute, Status of Lecturer

Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, President George W. Bush Administration, Advisor

Department of Defense



Army Infantry Academy, Fort Benning

Army Sergeant Academy, Fort Bliss

Industrial College of the Armed Forces

US Marine Corps and Command Academy and Staff College

US Air Force Academy

US Coast Guard Academy

US Naval War College

West Point Military Academy

US Information Agency (USIA), “Speaker and Specialist Program,” Lecturer throughout the Middle East and Persian Gulf, Europe, Latin America and South America, North, East, and Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia (1964-1999)

United States Institute of Peace, Workshop on Islamic Perspectives on Peace and Violence, Co-Chair

United States Intelligence Community, Defense Intelligence School (now the National Intelligence University), Lecturer

The White House

“Committee on the Islamic World,” President Jimmy Carter Administration, Member

Executive Office of the President, National Security Council, “Islam and US Foreign Policy,” President Bill Clinton Administration, Presenter

The White House Annual Conference on Children and Youth, “Youth and Bureaucracy,” President Richard Nixon Administration, Presenter

International Public Service

Arab-Israeli Peace Dialogues (various locations – Tunis, US, Austria, Jordan), Participant

Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Institute, Committee Member

United Nations

Development Programme, Consultant

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Consultant


American Senator, Editorial

Center for Democracy and Election Management

The Center for Peacebuilding International

Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress: National Committee to Unite a Divided America and U.S. Communications with Muslim Communities

The Council on Foreign Relations, Power-Sharing and Minority Rights in Iraq

Council on US-Syrian Relations

Creative Peace Building Initiatives

Ecumenical Council of Washington, DC

The El-Hibri Foundation

The Findhorn Foundation, Fulbright Specialist Program

Global Alliance for Transnational Education

Global Education Associates

Human Rights International

Human Rights Quarterly, Editorial

Institute for Victims of Trauma, Joint Program on Conflict Resolution

Institute on the United States in World Affairs

The International Association of University Presidents

International Center for Religion & Diplomacy

International Journal of Nonviolence, Editorial

The International Research & Exchanges Board

International Studies Association, National Council

International Studies Association, Regional Chapter President

International Youth Advocate Program

Jones International University

Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, Editorial

KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights

Kosmos Journal, Editorial

The Library of Congress, Member, Search Committee for Selection of Director of Islamic Programs

The Mohamed S. Farsi Foundation

National Peace Foundation

Nonviolence International

The Omega Institute

Peace Review, Editorial

Peacebuilding and Development Institute

Search for Common Ground

Seven Pillars House of Wisdom

Washington National Cathedral, Interfaith Curriculum Advisory Council

*Board Member unless otherwise noted



Club International, Inc., “Honorary Membership Certificate”

Delta Phi Epsilon Pi, “Award for Service and Excellence”

“El-Hibri Peace Education Prize,” First Recipient

Florida Community College at Jacksonville, “Appreciation for Contributions to the Women and Minority Educational Leadership Enhancement Grant Program”

The Inter-American Defense College, “Diploma Honoris Causa” Continental Defense

International Political Science Association, “Teh-Kuang Chang Award for Outstanding Scholar on Asian and Pacific Studies Award”

International Studies Association, “Distinguished Scholar of Peace Studies Award”

The Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, Fourth Annual “Fellowship of Peace Award”

Mortar Board, “Outstanding Faculty Award”

The National Endowment for Democracy, Grantee

Phi Epsilon Pi National Jewish Fraternity, “Living Legend Award”

Project Learn: The Shoreline Instructional Multi-Media Center, “Certificate of Appreciation”

Search for Common Ground, “Certificate of Appreciation for Extraordinary Service”

Shia Rights Watch, “Certificate of Appreciation”

The Rockefeller Foundation, Grantee

The United States Institute of Peace, Grantee

United States House of Representatives, “House Speaking Series Award”

Young Presidents’ Organization, Named among the “Top 200 YPO Lecturers Internationally”

Who’s Who in America, 43rd Edition, Listed

Scholarships and Named Funds

Abdul Aziz Said Chair in International Peace and Conflict Resolution, American University

Abdul Aziz Said Graduate Scholarship in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, American University

Abdul Aziz Said Peace and Conflict Resolution Fund, American University

Abdul Aziz Said Phi Epsilon Pi Scholarship, American University

American University Awards

African Students’ Association Award

“Darrell Randall Award for Outstanding Service to the University”

Distinguished Service in the School of International Service: 1957-2015

Distinguished Service to the University, College of Public Affairs

Faculty Excellence Award

Golden Eagles Reunion, Honorary Chairman

Graduate Student Association, “Outstanding Service Award”

Honors Program, Honors Professor of the Year

Outstanding Contribution to Academic Development

Outstanding Scholarship, Research and Professional Contributions

Outstanding Service, College of Public Affairs

Office of Multicultural Affairs, “Distinguished Faculty Award”

Office of Multicultural Affairs, “Multicultural Award”

School of International Service, Certificate of Appreciation for 55 Years

School of International Service Fall Annual Dinner, Honoree

University Faculty Outstanding Service

Washington Semester Program, “Best Speaker Award”

Washington Semester Program, “Certificate of Appreciation”



American University Center for Global Peace, Founder and Director

Center for Cooperative Global Development, Founder

Center for Mediterranean Studies, Co-founder

Community for Social Change and Political Participation in the Middle East and Africa, Founder

Creative Peacebuilding Initiatives, Established

International Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, Program Founder and First Director

Islamic Peace Studies Program, Established

Mohamed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace, Developed and First Chair Occupant

PhD in Islamic Studies, Greater Washington, DC Consortium, Established

Project PEN: Peace and Conflict Resolution Education for Public School Students in Washington, DC, Established

Summer Institute for Teachers: Education for Global Citizenship, Established

Washington Semester in International Peace and Conflict Resolution, Established

Washington Semester in Islam and World Affairs, Established

Washington Semester in US Foreign Policy, Established


Committee on Academic Development, Chair

Faculty Relations Committee of the American University, Member and Chair

Library Committee of the American University, Chair

Presidential Search Committee of The American University, Member

School of International Service Term Faculty Action Committee, Member and Chair

School of International Service, International Relations Sub-Faculty, Chair

School of International Service, President of Faculty

School of International Service, Rank and Tenure Committee, Member and Chair

The American University Faculty Senate, Member and Chair

The American University, The Scholar Diplomat Program, Moderator

University Admissions Committee, Member and Chair

Various School of International Service Faculty Search Committees, Chair