

American University Establishes the Abdul Aziz Said Chair in International Peace and Conflict Resolution

Professor Abdul Aziz Said’s legacy will live on through a new endowed chair at American University that will advance his innovative peace and conflict resolution scholarship that changed the field of international affairs and carry on the School of International Service’s heritage of “waging peace.” Dr. Mohammad Abu-Nimer has been selected as the chair’s first occupant. Professor Abu-Nimer has a teaching career spanning more than 35 years, including 22 years spent alongside Professor Said, and is an accomplished peace scholar serving in SIS’s International Peace and Conflict Resolution Program. Dr. Abu-Nimer will build on Professor Said’s work promoting peace, leading distinguished research and actively working with policymakers and other stakeholders.

To make a donation visit Give to the Abdul Aziz Said Chair in International Peace and Conflict Resolution | Development and Alumni Relations | American University, Washington, DC
For further details click here.

Springer publishes new book: Abdul Aziz Said: A Pioneer in Peace, Intercultural Dialogue, and Cooperative Global Politics, edited by Nathan C. Funk and Meena Sharify-Funk

The book explores Dr. Said’s pioneering contributions to understanding and promoting peace, intercultural dialogue, cooperative approaches to global politics, and a spiritual ethic of human solidarity. Contents include a biographical chapter, a photo essay, a bibliography, selections from published as well as previously unpublished works, reflections from twenty colleagues and former students, and a foreword by Prof. Mohammed Abu-Nimer.

For further details, see

The Abdul Aziz Said Annual Memorial Lecture

The Abdul Aziz Said Memorial Lecture is held annually in the fall at The American University. It is a symposium that focuses on International Peace and Conflict Resolution, Ethics, and Human Rights. The inaugural Lecture was held on 30 November 2022 and the featured speaker was His Excellency Adama Dieng, former UN special adviser on the prevention of genocide and the former registrar of the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda.

For further information, please contact Department of Peace, Human Rights, and Cultural Relations at

The Abdul Aziz Said Peace Scholars Program

In Professor Said’s honor The American University’s School of International Service established a program in 2022 to train the next generation of undergraduate students to continue Said’s life’s mission through the study of peace and conflict resolution and interfaith dialogue. This program works with 20 SIS sophomores to enable them to not only more fully appreciate Said’s legacy, but to share in the furtherance of his life’s work and mission. Students apply to this program in the spring of their first year and are required to write an essay detailing what Professor Said’s life and work means to them, to their education goals, and to envision putting into practice his ideals of peace and conflict resolution.

For further information, please contact the Department of Peace, Human Rights, and Cultural Relations at

The Abdul Aziz Said Graduate Scholarship

The Abdul Aziz Said Graduate Scholarship provides financial support to one or more incoming or returning School of International Service graduate students who are affiliated with the School’s International Peace and Conflict Resolution (ICPR) program. Professor Said’s desire was to benefit graduate students from historically underrepresented or marginalized groups who show great promise in their scholastic achievement and/or their commitment to IPCR principles.

For information on donating to the scholarship fund or applying, please contact the Department of Peace, Human Rights, and Cultural Relations at